Veal Milanese

Veal Milanese 19.95 Veal in breadcrumbs served with tagliatelle...

Pollo Alla Valdostana

Pollo Alla Valdostana 17.95 Chicken breast topped with Parma ham & mozzarella in Tomato sauce served with Gnocchi...

Vitelli Saltimbocca

Vitelli Saltimbocca 19.95 Veal medallions topped with Parma ham & mozzarella served with saute...

Agnelo Al Forno

Agnelo Al Forno 23.95 Rack of lamb with rosemary & red wine jus with roast...

Pollo Milanese

Pollo Milanese 17.95 Chicken breast in bread crumbs served with spaghetti...